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Autor/inn/enJung, Ae‐Kyung; Heppner, Mary J
TitelWork of Full‐Time Mothers: Putting Voice to the Relational Theory of Working.
QuelleIn: The Career development quarterly, (2015) 3, S.253-267
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterUnpaid work; Relational theory of working; Full‐time mother; Qualitative study; Work experience of women; Research; Middle classes; Work experience; Mothers; Analysis; Society; Case studies; Social classes; Gender; Women; Researchers; Careers; Counseling; Theory
AbstractThe purpose of this qualitative research was to explore the work experience of middle‐class, Korean full‐time mothers in their 50s. Interviews, observations, and photographs were collected from 11 Korean full‐time mothers to understand their work and career experiences. The data were analyzed by a case study qualitative method of inquiry. The themes that emerged from the data were paths to becoming full‐time mothers, multiple working roles from relationships, dialectical characteristics of work, meaning of full‐time mothering, and regrets and internalized biases for full‐time motherhood. The findings illustrate how full‐time mothers experience a sense of meaning and mattering from their work; how relationships and work are intertwined in their lives; and how gender, social class, and culture influence the work and relationships of full‐time mothers. Implications for counselors and researchers are discussed.
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