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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inKaur, Kulvinder
TitelIn the Bakery.
QuelleAbingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2019)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780429323577; 0429323573; 9781000507393 (EPUB); 1000507394 (EPUB); 9781000502459 (E-Book (Mobi)); 1000502457 (E-Book (Mobi)); 9781000497519 (PDF); 1000497518 (PDF); 9780367340353
SchlagwörterPicture books for children; Educational aspects; Stories without words; Communicative disorders in children; Speech disorders; Education; Language arts; Children with disabilities; Communication; Livres d'images pour enfants; Aspect éducatif; Histoires sans paroles; Troubles de la communication chez l'enfant; Troubles de la parole; Éducation; Arts du langage; Enfants handicapés; stories without words; EDUCATION; General; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractGuidebook At School Brushing Teeth Going to School Having a Haircut In the Bakery In the Park Making Breakfast Playing Hide and Seek Swimming Walking the Dog. This collection of short wordless picture books helps to support children with speech, language and communication needs as they develop their expressive sentence and narrative skills through storytelling. Each book is comprised of six colourful images that follow a simple everyday routine such as 'Brushing Teeth', 'Having a Haircut' and 'Walking the Dog'. Unlike traditional picture books, they follow a film scroll effect, showing the progression of time and allowing the child to follow the story to its resolution. Because of their simplicity, the books can support children as they move from simple to intermediate sentence levels, as well as encouraging them to consider additional elements of language such as cause and effect, sequencing and inference. This resource includes: Ten beautifully illustrated picture books, each following a simple pattern of routine, disruption and resolution An accompanying guidebook including story scripts, cue questions and prompts for using the resource to support additional skills Although developed specifically to help children with speech, language and communication needs, this set is suitable for any child who requires support and practice in developing their speech. It is an invaluable resource for speech and language therapists, teaching staff and caregivers.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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