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Sonst. PersonenCrane, Rebecca (Hrsg.); Griffith, Gemma M. (Hrsg.)
TitelEssential resources for mindfulness teachers.
QuelleAbingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2021)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780367330774 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9780367330798 (Taschenbuch); 9780429317880 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterReflective teaching; Teaching; Methodology; Teachers; Psychology; Mindfulness (Psychology); Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractThe essential spirit of mindfulness-based teaching / Saki F. Santorelli -- Curriculum considerations -- Guiding the formal practices : overview -- The body scan practice -- Mindful movement -- The sitting meditations -- The short practices -- The 'all-day' of practice -- Inquiry : conveying course themes through interactive dialogue -- Conveying session themes : group exercises and didactic inputs -- Embodiment -- Relational skills -- Holding the group learning environment -- The use of poems, stories, and images -- Integrating the explicit and implicit curriculum -- Orientation and assessment -- Teaching mindfulness-based programmes online -- How do we resource and support ourselves as MBP teachers? An overview Rebecca Crane -- The Mindfulness-Based Interventions : Teaching and Learning Companion (MBI:TLC) / Gemma Griffith, Rebecca Crane, Karunavira, and Lynn Koerbel -- Developing your personal practice / Bridgette O'Neill -- Mindfulness-based supervision / Alison Evans -- Professional practice / Pamela Duckerin -- Trauma-sensitivity / Eluned Gold -- Societal themes / Bethan Roberts and Rebecca Crane -- Science and theory / Gemma Griffith and Karunavira -- Implementing mindfulness-based programmes / Rebecca Crane and Heledd Griffiths. "Essential Resources for Mindfulness Teachers offers the reader a wealth of knowledge about the explicit and implicit aspects of mindfulness-based teaching. The book focuses on how to develop the craft of teaching mindfulness-based courses and is divided into three parts. Part 1 addresses the explicit elements of mindfulness-based courses, such as how to offer meditation practices and inquiry. Part 2 investigates the subtle but powerful implicit qualities needed within the teacher to convey the essence of mindfulness. Part 3 is a series of chapters on the underpinnings, considerations, and theories surrounding the teaching of mindfulness-based courses, and includes a new framework for reflective practice - the Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Teaching and Learning Companion (the TLC). The book is a core companion text for both trainees and established mindfulness-based teachers, and is a resource you will return to again and again"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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