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Sonst. PersonenReece, Brian J. (Hrsg.)
TitelDebunking the myth of job fit in student affairs.
QuelleSterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing (2019), XVI, 248 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781620367872; 9781620367889; 9781620367896; 9781620367902
SchlagwörterUSA; Student affairs services; Social aspects; United States; Student counselors; Employment; Minorities in higher education; Women in higher education; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractFrom fit to belonging : new dialogues on the student affairs job search / Brian J. Reece, Vu T. Tran, Elliott N. DeVore, Gabby Porcaro -- Innocent until proven guilty : a critical interrogation of the legal aspects of "job fit" in higher education / David H. K. Nguyen & LaWanda W. Ward -- Employer definitions of and reflections on fit in hiring processes / Léna Kavaliauskas Crain & Mathew J.L. Shepard -- Holograms, misfits, and authentic selves : fit as narrative agency through inequality regimes / Jessica Bennett, Travis York, Van Bailey, Marshall Guthrie, Luis Inoa, Meghan Gaffney Wells & Akiko Yamaguchi -- No, I can't meet you for an $8 coffee : how class shows up in workspaces / Sonja Ardoin & Becky Artinez -- Finding fit as an "outsider within" : a critical exploration of black women navigating the workplace in higher education / Stacey D. Garrett & Natasha T. Turman -- Code word "fit" : exploring the systematic exclusion of professionals of color in predominantly white institutions / Heather O. Browning & Patrice M. Palmer -- Negotiating fit while "misfit" : three ways trans professionals navigate student affairs / C.J. Venable, Kyle Inselman & Nick Thuot -- "You'll fit right in" : fit as a euphemism for whiteness in higher education hiring practices / Kyle C. Ashlee -- (Re)viewing and (re)moving the mystique surrounding "fit" in student affairs : a challenge to our field / Walter P. Parrish, III.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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