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Autor/inMady, Callie
TitelExamining immigrants’ English and French proficiency in French immersion
QuelleIn: Journal of immersion and content-based language education, 3 (2015) 2, S.268-285
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
AbstractDemographic changes in the Canadian population have also brought a more diverse community of learners to French immersion programs. This study responds to the changes in the immersion student population by comparing the French and English proficiency of three groups: Canadian-born English-speaking students, Canadian-born multilingual students and immigrant multilingual students in Grade 6 early French immersion. The quantitative data from English and French tests showed that the immigrant group outperformed the Canadian-born English speaking and the Canadian-born multilingual groups on French proficiency measures of reading, writing, and speaking, whereas there were no significant differences among the groups on the English test components.
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