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Autor/inn/enMjelde, James W.; Litzenberg, Kerry K.; Lindner, James R.
TitelCognitive Development Effects of Teaching Probabilistic Decision Making to Middle School Students
QuelleIn: Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 40 (2011), S.36-44 (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterMiddle School Students; Scores; Decision Making; Cognitive Development; Teaching Methods; Probability; Pretests Posttests; Junior High School Students; Focus Groups; Problem Solving; Control Groups; Research Design; Recreational Activities; Inferences; Mathematics Instruction; Mathematics Education; Science Instruction; Science Education; Statistical Significance; Texas
AbstractThis study investigated the comprehension and effectiveness of teaching formal, probabilistic decision-making skills to middle school students. Two specific objectives were to determine (1) if middle school students can comprehend a probabilistic decision-making approach, and (2) if exposure to the modeling approaches improves middle school students' decision-making abilities? "DECIDE" learning unit is developed to provide the context. This learning unit integrates mathematics, science, and decision-making concepts. Differences in students' pre- and post-test performance on a general decision-making test were statistically significant, indicating students can learn formal decision making in middle school and improve their decision-making abilities. Both race and gender variables were shown to have no statistically significant effect on pre- and post-test scores. (Contains 6 tables and 1 figure.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAmerican Society of Agronomy. 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711. Tel: 608-273-8080; Fax: 608-273-2021; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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