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Autor/inDopke-Wilson, MariRae
TitelVideo Book Trailers: Coming to a Library Near You! Spotlight Feature
QuelleIn: Educators' Spotlight Digest, 3 (2009) 2, (3 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSchool Libraries; Media Specialists; High School Students; Student Motivation; Library Materials; Librarian Teacher Cooperation; Reading Motivation; Video Technology; Audio Books; Nonprint Media; Information Literacy; Audiovisual Aids; Instructional Films; Educational Technology
AbstractThis article features two library media specialists who discovered a way to motivate high school students to read. When most people go to the movies, the "coming attractions" or movie trailers are as anticipated as the popcorn! This Americana movie tradition hooks people again and again on what they will come back to see next. So, it's no surprise that movie trailer-like video clips are getting high school students excited about reading. Library Media Specialists Mary Gotham and Sharon Bush are getting rave reviews from students and teachers alike as they experiment with this concept in their West Genesee High School Library. Stealing spin from Hollywood, the duo's "Video Book Trailers" project is brewing new excitement about reading while creating valuable media for marketing the library's book collection! Collaborating English teacher, Tina Middaugh, says the video book trailers project is fun for her students adding it motivates them to read while gaining a deeper understanding of the books they choose. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenS.O.S. for Information Literacy. Syracuse University Center for Digital Literacy, 105 Hinds Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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