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Autor/inn/enBill, Debra E.; Hock-Long, Linda; Mesure, Maryann; Bryer, Pamela; Zambrano, Neydary
TitelHealthy Start Programa Madrina: A Promotora Home Visiting Outreach and Education Program to Improve Perinatal Health among Latina Pregnant Women
QuelleIn: Health Educator, 41 (2009) 2, S.68-76 (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPrenatal Care; Body Weight; Health Education; Health Promotion; Income; Females; Outreach Programs; Child Health; Pregnancy; Spanish Speaking; Home Visits; Low Income; Hispanic Americans; Bilingualism; Biculturalism; Translation; Medical Services; Transportation; Health Insurance; Birth
AbstractThe purpose of this article is to describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of Healthy Start Programa Madrina (HSPM), a home visiting promotora outreach and education program for Latina pregnant women and to present the 10-year findings of the program (1996-2005). Perinatal health disparities continue to persist among low-income Hispanics. Promotoras are both bi-lingual and bi-cultural (Spanish speaking) indigenous women who participated in a comprehensive 115-hour training program to connect low-income pregnant immigrant Latina women with needed perinatal support and health promotion services. Promotoras identified pregnant women through community outreach, and then helped them access prenatal care and other support services by providing them with a panel of services such as medical interpretation, transportation, insurance application and enrollment, health education as well as emotional support and guidance. Using multiple methods of evaluation, results show that the program was successful at linking pregnant Latinas to perinatal health care, health education and support services, as well as decreasing barriers to prenatal care. Outcome electronic birth record data indicates that HSPM participants had fewer babies born early and with low birth weight compared to births in a non-participant group. Implications for practice and research are discussed, as well as strengths and limitations. (Contains 2 tables and 2 figures.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenEta Sigma Gamma Inc. 2000 University Avenue CL 325, Muncie, IN 47306. Tel: 800-715-2559; Tel: 765-285-2258; Fax: 765-285-3210; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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