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Autor/inDemir, Ümit
TitelThe Effect of Unplugged Coding Education for Special Education Students on Problem-Solving Skills
QuelleIn: International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 4 (2021) 3, (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterInstructional Effectiveness; Programming; Computer Science Education; Special Education; High School Students; Vocational High Schools; Adolescents; Students with Disabilities; Disadvantaged; Mild Intellectual Disability; Problem Solving; Thinking Skills; 21st Century Skills; Skill Development; Game Based Learning; Robotics; Foreign Countries; Turkey
AbstractDuring recent years coding education has been an important issue in many countries. Coding education has been an important topic for these countries. One of the reasons why coding education is being discussed by educators and other partners of the schools is that it is seen as a key competence for students, and workers at developing problem-solving skills. Coding as an academic skill is seen as a part of logical reasoning. Coding is also accepted as one of the skills called "21st-century skills" required from individuals. Special education students are in a disadvantaged situation as in other learning platforms. Thus, this study aims to analyze the place of coding education in developing problem-solving skills of special education students. Within the scope of the study, unplugged coding applications were carried out with the participation of 34 students having mild intellectual disabilities who are continuing their education in a special education vocational school aged between 14 and 18. A question form was used to evaluate problem-solving skills. There was a significant difference between the pre-course and post-course skills of the students. Students' average scores of problem-solving skills in the post-course was higher than their average scores in the pre-course. The analysis of the findings showed that the students' skill scores in using problem-solving steps have increased in all these steps. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools. 83 Dollis Road, London N3 1RD, UK. 2-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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