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Autor/inn/enClarke, Peter J.; Davis, Debra L.; Chang-Lau, Raymond; King, Tariq M.
TitelImpact of Using Tools in an Undergraduate Software Testing Course Supported by WReSTT
QuelleIn: ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 17 (2017) 4, Artikel 18 (28 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterComputer Software; Undergraduate Students; Computer Science Education; Online Catalogs; Electronic Learning; Instructional Materials; Cooperative Learning; Student Projects; Course Descriptions; Teaching Methods; Problem Based Learning; Educational Objectives; Florida
AbstractSoftware continues to affect a major part of our daily lives, including the way we use our phones, home appliances, medical devices, and cars. The pervasiveness of software has led to a growing demand for software developers over the next decade. To ensure the high quality of software developed in industry, students being trained in software engineering also need to be trained on how to use testing techniques and supporting tools effectively at all levels of development. In this article, we investigate how testing tools are used in the software project of an undergraduate testing course. We also investigate how a cyberlearning environment--the Web-Based Repository of Software Testing Tutorials (WReSTT)--is used to supplement the learning materials presented in class, particularly the tutorials on different software testing tools. The results of a study spanning three semesters of the undergraduate course suggest that (1) the use of code coverage tools motivates students to improve their test suites; (2) the number of bugs found when using coverage tools slightly increased, which is similar to the results found in the research literature; and (3) students find WReSTT to be a useful resource for learning about software testing techniques and the use of code coverage tools. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAssociation for Computing Machinery. 2 Penn Plaza Suite 701, New York, NY 10121. Tel: 800-342-6626; Tel: 212-626-0500; Fax: 212-944-1318; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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