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Autor/inn/enGarney, Whitney R.; Nelon, Jordan; Esquivel, Christi H.; Muraleetharan, Daenuka; Garcia, Kristen M.; Lautner, Shelby C.
TitelEvaluation of Resources for Physical Activity in the Classroom: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study
QuelleIn: Health Educator, 51 (2019) 1, S.33-42 (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducational Policy; Physical Activity Level; Elementary Schools; Middle Schools; Teacher Role; Curriculum; Physical Activities; Elementary School Teachers; Intervention; Educational Resources; Program Effectiveness; Student Participation; Teacher Attitudes; Child Health; Oregon
AbstractIn 2007 the Oregon Legislature passed a policy requiring students receive a minimum weekly amount of physical activity in school: 150 minutes for elementary and 225 minutes for middle school students. However, no implementation guidance for teachers or school districts were included in the policy. This pilot study examines the differences between teachers using a single paid curriculum versus various free or readily available resources to implement physical activity. Fifteen elementary-level classroom teachers (8 intervention, 7 control) engaged in the study. Intervention teachers received access to Focused Fitness Curriculum; control teachers used already available resources, representing treatment as usual. Researchers administered teacher surveys, classroom activity logs, classroom observations, and teacher interviews to look at activities conducted, time in physical activity, and teacher perceptions. The average duration of physical activity was almost double in the control group compared to the intervention group. Additionally, the control group maintained small increases in activity level throughout the semester, while activity levels of the intervention group fell. However, the treatment group had higher average activity levels and student participation. The treatment group, using the paid curriculum, was not better than the control group. Both groups saw positive outcomes of students engaging in physical activity. Rather than one set curriculum, the more important factors are providing support and flexibility for implementation. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenEta Sigma Gamma Inc. 2000 University Avenue CL 325, Muncie, IN 47306. Tel: 800-715-2559; Tel: 765-285-2258; Fax: 765-285-3210; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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