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Autor/inn/enBergdahl, Nina; Knutsson, Ola; Fors, Uno
TitelDesigning for Engagement in TEL -- A Teacher-Researcher Collaboration
QuelleIn: Designs for Learning, 10 (2018) 1, S.100-111 (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLearner Engagement; Influences; Researchers; Teachers; Cooperation; Learning Activities; Intervention; Educational Technology; Technology Uses in Education; Handheld Devices; Telecommunications; Teaching Methods; Secondary School Teachers; Instructional Design; Program Evaluation; Program Effectiveness; Foreign Countries; Teacher Role; Internet; Sweden (Stockholm)
AbstractStudent engagement is significantly related to both retention and learning outcomes. Hence, teachers need to consider how their practices affect student engagement. Applying design-based research (DBR), the purpose of this study was to approach influencers of student engagement and explore how teachers and researchers collaboratively could develop learning activities with learning technologies (LTs) to facilitate this. The intervention included an online assessment application, a virtual learning environment (VLE) and an additional tablet for the teacher. The teacher constantly carried the tablet around and used it to access the students' shared workspace. The intervention was implemented in two classes in an upper secondary school. The study focuses on teachers' experience and instruction. Three observations of the implementation of learning design and intervention evaluations were analysed. The results indicate that the teachers and researchers could design learning activities that facilitate student engagement. Engagement was facilitated as hindrances to engagement were identified and approached. The suggested solutions shaped the design of the learning activity and included LTs which provided insights into the students' learning processes and thereby increased the teacher's ability to scaffold learning and provide timely feedback. The LTs used opened up for additional ways for students to engage with the content, peers and contributions which motivated students to direct their energy toward task. When conditions for learning changed as a result of implementing LTs, both student interaction and teacher practices were affected. However, it was not observed that the teacher would sustain the design without support. This emphasises the need for educational goals and visions to be consistent and communicated to practitioners; otherwise, teachers will not have the guidance needed to advance or evaluate their professional development. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenStockholm University Press. Stockholm University Library, SE-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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