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Autor/inn/enDilmac, Bülent; Yurt, Eyüp; Aydin, Mustafa; Kasarci, Ismail
TitelPredictive Relationship between Humane Values of Adolescents Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Sensibility (Relaciones predictivas entre los valores humanos de los adolescentes, el acoso cibernético y la sensibilidad al acoso cibernético)
QuelleIn: Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 14 (2016) 1, S.3-22 (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterValues; Bullying; Computer Mediated Communication; Adolescents; Middle School Students; Predictor Variables; Structural Equation Models; Foreign Countries; Likert Scales; Questionnaires; Turkey; Turkey (Istanbul)
AbstractIntroduction: Cyberbullying has been more common than the traditional bullying in recent years. As with the traditional bullying, humane values likely to explain the reason why adolescents tend to bully via cyber-means. Cyber-bullying behaviors also reasoned by adolescents' sensibility towards it. This study investigates the predictive relationships between humane values of adolescents, cyber-bullying and cyber-bullying sensibility. Method: The study consisted of a total 1743 participants from different middle schools in Istanbul, Konya, Mersin, Ordu and Bursa (Turkey). 963 of the participants were females and 780 were males. The study group was selected among adolescents studying at the above mentioned secondary schools by a random cluster sampling method. The study employed the "Humane Values Scale," the "Cyberbullying Scale" and the "Cyberbullying Sensibility'' scale. Predictive relationships between humane values of adolescents, cyberbullying and cyberbullying sensibility were analyzed with the "Structural Equivalence Model" by using the AMOS 19 computer program. Results: Results of the study revealed that each of the humane values like respect, being peaceful, friendship and responsibility are statistically meaningful predictors of cyberbullying sensibility. Besides it was seen that honesty and being peaceful are significant predictors of cyberbullying. Discussion and Conclusion: Rise in adolescents' level of humane values has an important role in increasing sensitivity against cyberbullying. In this sense, a decrease can be observed in also the tendencies to cyberbullying of the adolescents whose sensitivity has increased. On the other hand the result shows that a rise in adolescents' values of being peaceful will increase their tendencies of cyberbullying sensibility. It is estimated that a rise in adolescents' values of friendship and responsibility will increase their cyberbullying sensibility. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenUniversity of Almeria, Education & Psychology I+D+i. Faculty of Psychology Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology, Carretera de Sacramento s/n, 04120 LaCanada de San Urbano, Almeria, Spain. Tel: +34-950-015354; Fax: +34-950-015083; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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