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Autor/inn/enThreeton, Mark D.; Ewing, John C.; Evanoski, Danielle C.
TitelOccupational Safety and Health: A View of Current Practices in Agricultural Education
QuelleIn: Journal of Career and Technical Education, 30 (2015) 1, S.53-66 (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAgricultural Education; Occupational Safety and Health; Secondary Education; Barriers; Agricultural Engineering; Reliability; Likert Scales; Questionnaires; Pennsylvania
AbstractProviding safe and secure teaching and learning environments within schools is an ongoing process which requires a significant amount of attention. Therefore, this study sought to: 1) explore safety and health practices within secondary Agricultural Mechanics Education; and 2) identify the perceived obstacles which appear to hinder implementation of safety and health programs. While it might appear logical to assume that Agricultural Mechanics Education consistently reflect acceptable safety standards to promote enhanced learning and skill development, the results suggested there is room for improvement within schools. Findings may be useful to agricultural educators; school administration, teacher educators and safety compliance personnel interested in promoting enhanced occupational safety and health practices. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenOmicron Tau Theta. 228 McAdams Hall, Clemson, SC 29689. Tel: 864-656-3300; Fax: 864-656;5675; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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