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Autor/inn/enAtlin, Joan; Loo, Bryce; Luo, Ning; Mehboob, Faiza; Santos, Mikaela; Shulmann, Paul
InstitutionWorld Education Services (WES)
TitelImpact of COVID-19 on the Economic Well-Being of Recent Migrants to Canada. A Report on Survey Results from Permanent Residents, Temporary Workers, and International Students in Canada
Quelle(2020), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; COVID-19; Pandemics; Immigrants; Well Being; Foreign Workers; Foreign Students; Economic Impact; Employment Level; Social Services; Physical Health; Mental Health; Gender Differences; Age Differences; Place of Residence; Unemployment; Job Layoff; At Risk Persons; Income; Canada
AbstractCOVID-19 has had devastating effects on the financial well-being of many recent immigrants, temporary foreign workers, and international students in Canada. Migrants--regardless of their immigration status--are overrepresented in essential roles and industries that have been hardest hit. To better understand the impact of the pandemic on these groups, WES conducted surveys in April, June, and August 2020 of applicants who received a WES credential evaluation for the purpose of immigrating to Canada. The resulting report is based on the responses of nearly 5,000 permanent residents, temporary foreign workers, and international students who resided in Canada at the time of the surveys. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenWorld Education Services. Bowling Green Station, PO Box 5087, New York, NY 10274. Tel: 212-219-7300; Fax: 212-739-6100; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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