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InstitutionIndiana University, National Survey of Student Engagement
TitelEngagement Insights: Survey Findings on the Quality of Undergraduate Education. Annual Results 2019
Quelle(2020), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Educational Quality; Learner Engagement; Academic Advising; Educational Trends; Academic Persistence; Educational Practices; Institutional Mission; Teacher Student Relationship; College Faculty; Data Use; School Holding Power; College Environment; Time Management; Academic Achievement; Intention; Reentry Students; Service Learning; Communities of Practice; Student Research; Internship Programs; Study Abroad; Capstone Experiences; College Freshmen; College Seniors; Career Planning; Undergraduate Study; Connecticut; Florida (Tampa); Indiana (Indianapolis); Nevada
AbstractThe National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) documents dimensions of quality in undergraduate education and provides information and assistance to colleges, universities, and other organizations to improve student learning. Its primary activity is annually surveying college students to assess the extent to which they engage in educational practices associated with high levels of learning and development. The Center for Postsecondary Research at Indiana University's School of Education administers NSSE, in partnership with the Indiana University Center for Survey Research. This report presents key findings from the 2019 administration of NSSE and its companion survey, the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE). NSSE surveyed first-year and senior students attending 531 bachelor's degree-granting institutions across the United States in spring 2019, while FSSE results came from 120 institutions, almost all of which administered NSSE as well. "Annual Results 2019" also provides findings from a subset of NSSE respondents who answered additional questions about academic advising and from a study of the persistence of first-year students. Engagement Indicators (EIs) and measures of participation in High-Impact Practices (HIPs) summarize key facets of student engagement. This report includes examples of what the following four institutions do in response to results from NSSE and its companion surveys--the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement and the FSSE: (1) Eastern Connecticut State University; (2) Marian University; (3) Nevada State College; and (4) The University of Tampa. [For "Engagement Insights: Survey Findings on the Quality of Undergraduate Education. Annual Results 2018," see ED594729.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Survey of Student Engagement. Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research, 1900 East 10th Street Suite 419, Bloomington, IN 47406. Tel: 812-856-5824; Fax: 812-856-5150; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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