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Autor/inAlexandri, Eleftheria
TitelTeaching Assembly for Disassembly; An Under-Graduate Module Experience
Quelle(2014), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Architectural Education; Undergraduate Students; Learning Modules; Sustainability; Building Design; Teaching Methods; Homeless People; Energy Management; Construction Materials; Wastes; Learning Activities; Tutorial Programs; Urban Areas; Greece
AbstractThis paper is about the experience of teaching Assembly for Disassembly to fourth year architect students within the module of sustainable design. When designing a sustainable building one should take into consideration the fact that the building is going to be demolished in some years; thus the materials should be assembled in such a way so that the building is not just demolished, but disassembled in a practical way, so that its items and materials can be reused or at least be recycled in other buildings or products or be decomposed. Yet, the structure should be safe during its lifetime. With this technology, the building's sustainability spans also to its "grave". In this paper the methodology for teaching students how to design for the disassembly of buildings is presented. Apart from the respective lectures, the fourth year students have been asked to design a small home for a homeless person, following, apart from bioclimatic design and the zero-CO[subscript 2] building design, an "assembly for disassembly" design. They have also been encouraged to use, apart from conventional building materials, materials that could be collected from municipal waste, provided they have a small environmental footprint. Frequent tutorials are made during this project. Different groups of students have followed different concepts in their design; some students have focused on the assembly for disassembly of a home from municipal waste, others from construction materials, while others, apart from assembly for disassembly, have also taken into consideration the movability of their design as well as its incorporation in the urban tissue. The results and the conclusions are presented in this paper. [For the full proceedings see ED557181.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Association for the Development of the Information Society. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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