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Autor/inJacques, Catherine
InstitutionCenter on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institutes for Research
TitelCredit Quandaries: How Career and Technical Education Teachers Can Teach Courses That Include Academic Credit. Ask the Team
Quelle(2014), (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterVocational Education Teachers; Teacher Qualifications; Academic Education; Credits; State Standards; Barriers; Team Teaching; Course Descriptions; Course Content; Teacher Competencies; Teacher Collaboration; Michigan; Missouri; New York; Washington; Wisconsin
AbstractMany career and technical education (CTE) courses not only provide students with vocational and technical skills and knowledge, but engage them in academic content as well. Designed thoughtfully, these courses can address rigorous academic content standards and be as intellectually demanding as traditional academic courses (Southern Regional Education Board, 2012). Unfortunately, students cannot get credit for their academic accomplishments in their CTE courses if their CTE teachers do not meet the federal highly-qualified teacher (HQT) requirements (U.S. Department of Education, 2004). Because of the unique qualifications, expertise, and career trajectories of CTE teachers, many do not hold the required subject-matter credentials for HQT status, such as a major or minor in the subject area (Jacques & Potemski, 2014). This brief focuses on CTE teachers who do not meet highly qualified requirements. Throughout the brief, this category of teachers is referred to as "CTE teachers." To meet HQT requirements, teachers of core academic classes must have a bachelor's degree, hold full state certification or licensure, and demonstrate subject-matter competency (U.S. Department of Education, 2004). CTE teachers often hold full state certification or licensure but may lack the required bachelor's degree or proof of academic subject-matter competency because state certification and licensure requirements do not require them. A CTE teacher who meets the HQT requirements is often the best choice for a CTE course that includes academic credit, but other approaches states have taken include: (1) Recoding course assignments; and (2) Coteaching or coplanning, where highly qualified academic teachers and CTE teachers serve as dual teachers of record for the course. These approaches do not necessarily involve ensuring that CTE teachers meet the definition of HQT; rather, they allow students to gain academic credit for CTE courses regardless of the CTE teacher's HQT status. When considering these approaches, states and districts must ensure that the teachers of these courses can provide all students with rigorous, high-quality instruction. Additional Resources are provided. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter on Great Teachers and Leaders. Available from: American Institutes for Research. 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street NW Washington, DC 20007-3835; Tel: 877-322-8700; e-mail:; web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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