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Autor/inn/enSabatini, John; Albro, Elizabeth; O'Reilly, Tenaha
TitelMeasuring up: Advances in How We Assess Reading Ability
Quelle(2012), (180 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Albro, Elizabeth)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterReading Comprehension; Literacy; State Standards; Reading Ability; Theory Practice Relationship; Student Teacher Evaluation; Measures (Individuals)
AbstractIn recent decades, the science of reading acquisition, processes, and individual differences in general and special populations has been continuously advancing through interdisciplinary research in cognitive, psycholinguistic, developmental, genetic, neuroscience, cross-language studies, and experimental comparison studies of effective instruction. Some of the science of reading has emerged from the theory and research into the realm of practice and policy. Yet the science and practice of measuring "reading comprehension" has remained relatively immune to much of this foundational knowledge. "Measuring Up" discusses the "gold standard" measures of all these scientific advances and national investments continues to be performance on a single series of questions asked about a series of passages, with the primary modern innovation seemingly to be the addition of constructed/written responses and rubric scores. Sabatini, Albro, and O'Reilly believe that in light of the move towards Common Core State Standards and assessments, as well as significant national investments in reading and literacy education, it is a critical and opportune time to bring together the research and measurement community to address fundamental issues of measuring reading comprehension, in theory and in practice. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenRowman & Littlefield Education. 15200 NBN Way, P.O. Box 191, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214-0191. Tel: 800-462-6420; Fax: 800-338-4550; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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