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Autor/inLian, Irene Tan Ai
TitelAn Exploration of African Students in Malaysia
Quelle(2011), S.856-861 (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Students; Coping; Foreign Countries; Immigrants; Acculturation; Private Colleges; Questionnaires; Student Attitudes; College Choice; English; Language of Instruction; Barriers; Friendship; Cultural Differences; Family Relationship; Malaysia
AbstractThe exploratory study is an attempt to understand the reasons that prompted African students to study in Malaysia, the challenges encountered and the coping strategies used. The research on such topics among international students is well documented, but studies on international students in Malaysia are scarce. The sample included 155 African students studying in two private higher education institutions in Malaysia. A questionnaire was administered. The results indicated that most of the students chose to study in Malaysia because English is used as the medium of instruction. The challenges they face include developing friendships with Malaysian students. Keeping in touch with family and friends back in their home country is the highest ranked coping strategy. (Contains 4 tables.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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