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Autor/inn/enBaker, Elaine DeLott; Hope, Laura; Karandjeff, Kelley
InstitutionAcademic Senate for California Community Colleges
TitelContextualized Teaching & Learning: A Faculty Primer. A Review of Literature and Faculty Practices with Implications for California Community College Practitioners
Quelle(2009), (76 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLearning Theories; Community Colleges; College Faculty; Literature Reviews; Educational Practices; Basic Skills; Educational Strategies; Labor Force Development; Interviews; Teacher Attitudes; Teaching Methods; Writing (Composition); Mathematics Skills; Statistics; Algebra; Auto Mechanics; Utilities; Construction Programs; Biotechnology; Teacher Certification; Spanish; English (Second Language); Nursing Education; College Programs; California
AbstractThis report offers California college faculty a closer look at contextualized teaching and learning (CTL) as a promising set of strategies and practices that can be expanded through the state's Basic Skills Initiative. The report is relevant to a range of instructional and counseling faculty, including academic and career and technical education (CTE), Mathematics, English and English as a Second Language (ESL) instructors, as well as to basic skills staff and administrators. The report is organized into three main sections: (1) a case statement for contextualized teaching and learning that draws on relevant research and learning theory and situates the practice within workforce development, (2) a review of a range of contextualized teaching and learning practices, told from the faculty/program director perspective, and (3) a set of considerations for community college faculty and leaders as well as funders and policy makers interested in the potential of contextualized teaching and learning to strengthen student success. Faculty Interview Protocol is appended. (Contains 1 footnote.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAcademic Senate for California Community Colleges. 555 Capitol Mall Suite 525, Sacramento, CA 95814. Tel: 916-445-4753; Fax: 916-323-9867; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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