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Autor/inTetteris, Belinda Christine
TitelThe Nitty-Gritty Classroom and Behavior Management Resource: Strategies, Reproducibles, and Tips for Teachers
Quelle(2006), (236 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Classroom Techniques; Classroom Environment; Bulletin Boards; Instructional Development; Recordkeeping; Discipline; Student Behavior; Behavior Problems; Family School Relationship; Teaching Methods; Reading Instruction; Reading Centers; Individualized Instruction; Hidden Curriculum
AbstractThis book will help teachers better relate to, understand, and love their job. This is a professional resource that contains innovative ideas, visuals, and reproducibles that can be referenced quickly to help make the job easier. This comprehensive resource offers practical teaching techniques, solutions, and tips on: (1) Planning and designing your classroom environment made easy to include seating arrangements, centers, a class library, effective reading group area, a daily schedule, displaying objectives, bulletin boards, and setting up a word wall; (2) Developing plans with ease for long range and short range, observations, substitutes, and the first week of school; (3) Implementing formative and summative assessments, rubrics, student-teacher conferences, and goal setting; (4) Record keeping through the use of student portfolios, anecdotal notes, grade books, and data binders; (5) Ways to prevent discipline problems by implementing tried and true behavior management strategies; (6) Establishing a home-school connection with newsletters, report cards, conferences, and parent volunteers; (7) Differentiating lessons according to student needs; (8) Methods for teaching reading groups and managing centers; and (9) Ideas for integrating the hidden curriculum such as the morning news, calendar time, spelling, writing, and field trips. This book is organized into the following chapters: (1) Classroom Set Up Made Easy; (2) Quick and Easy Bulletin Board Displays; (3) Planning Efficiently and Effectively; (4) Record Keeping Made Simple; (5) Substitute Plans in a Snap; (6) Ready Made Plans for the First Week of School; (7) Behavior Management Strategies; (8)Home-School Connection Ideas; (9) Methods for Teaching Reading Groups and Managing Centers; (10) Helpful Hints on Implementing the Hidden Curriculum; and (11) Useful Graphic Organizers. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenRowman & Littlefield Education. 15200 NBN Way, P.O. Box 191, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214-0191. Tel: 800-462-6420; Fax: 800-338-4550; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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