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Sonst. PersonenZigler, Edward (Hrsg.); Styfco, Sally J. (Hrsg.)
TitelThe Head Start Debates
Quelle(2004), (590 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDisadvantaged Youth; School Readiness; Social Work; Parent Participation; Intelligence Quotient; Cognitive Development; Child Development; Child Care; Preschool Education; Early Intervention; Educational Research; Interpersonal Competence; Public Policy; Educational History; Poverty; Community Action; Administrator Attitudes; Classroom Environment; Oral Language; Teaching Methods; Child Health; Mental Health; Outcomes of Education; Parent Attitudes; Student Attitudes; Reading Instruction; Educational Improvement; Educational Quality; Educational Change; Employed Parents; Federal Aid; Equal Education; Access to Education; Transitional Programs; Family Programs; Brain; Neurology; School Administration; State Aid
AbstractThe future of Head Start depends on how well people learn from and apply the lessons from its past. That's why everyone involved in early education needs this timely, forward-thinking book from the leader of Head Start. The first book to capture the Head Start debates in all their complexity and diversity, this landmark volume brings together the research and personal experience of 53 top experts in a wide range of fields--including education, research, medicine, and social work. This powerful compilation of voices mines Head Start's 38-year history for lessons learned, turns a critical eye on where the program is headed, and offers readers distinct and often contrasting viewpoints on three major issues: Goals. Explore three crucial questions about the goals of the program: cognitive development vs. school readiness, short-term vs. long-term progress, and Head Start as an antipoverty tool vs. Head Start as a child development program; Effectiveness. Investigate the impact of Head Start on children's literacy, cognitive skills, health, school readiness and success, and parent participation--and learn how research might be improved so outcomes can be assessed more accurately; and Future directions. Examine ways that Head Start might evolve to improve program quality, explore how to meet the child care needs of particular families, provide universal access, address administrative and funding challenges, and prepare children for lifelong learning. This compelling, urgently needed book will help readers understand the complexity of Head Start, shape future policy, and ensure that all young children will arrive at school ready to succeed. This book contains the following debates and sections: (1) Debate I: The Goals of Head Start; (2) Debate II: Does Head Start Work? (3) Debate III: The Future of Head Start; and (4) Models for the Future. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBrookes Publishing Company. P.O. Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285. Tel: 800-638-3775; Fax: 410-337-8539; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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