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Autor/inMavrikos-Adamou, Tina
TitelMulticultural Education and Democratic Enhancement.
Quelle(2003), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Attitude Change; Citizenship; Cultural Pluralism; Definitions; Democracy; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Multicultural Education; Europe
AbstractMulticultural education and multiculturalism have emerged in the post-1989 era as important movements intended as a means of explaining and understanding today's pluralistic societies. Problematic is the ubiquitous usage of the term, as well as the fact that multiculturalism and multicultural education have different meanings and usage in the United States and Europe. In Europe, and in particular southeastern Europe (SEE) multiculturalism rests on varying interpretations and definitions, distinct from those found in the United States. The paper focuses on uncovering how multicultural education might be used as a vehicle for changing attitudes and perceptions held on the part of citizens. It also can be seen as a movement toward educating students in SEE, particularly in the Balkans, about respecting diversity which appears to be a necessity, as individuals need to acquire the ability to comprehend that differences do not necessarily have to be accompanied by negative characterizations. For the purpose of this paper, multiculturalism is understood as the realization and awareness that people are living in a multicultural, interdependent, global world that necessitates that individuals understand and comprehend peoples of other cultures, religions, and political systems so that they can be effective members of their own society. The paper discusses what multicultural education means in practice, multicultural societies in SEE and multicultural education, multicultural education and democracy where they intersect, and how educators know when they are achieving their goals. Includes 18 notes. (BT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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