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Sonst. PersonenHambrecht, Georgia (Hrsg.); Stimley, Mark (Hrsg.)
InstitutionIndiana State Univ., Terre Haute. Curriculum Research and Development Center.
TitelCreating a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Program.
Quelle(2002), (53 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAllied Health Occupations Education; Associate Degrees; Curriculum Development; Higher Education; Paraprofessional Personnel; Postsecondary Education; Program Development; Specialists; Speech Impairments; Speech Language Pathologists; Speech Language Pathology; State Universities
AbstractThis document consists of 11 short articles about the development of the Associate of Science degree program for speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs) at Indiana State University. The three sections address the program's background, course planning, and program implementation, respectively. Individual articles are: (1) "Top 10 List of Things Learned while Developing an SLPA Program (Georgia Hambrecht and Mark Stimley); (2) "Important ASHA History Related to Speech-Language Pathology Assistants: A Timeline for Critical Events" (Mark Stimley); (3) "Speech-Language Pathology Assistants" (Mark Stimley and Jennifer Scherb); (4) "Timeline of Events at Indiana State University Related to the Development and Implementation of Its Associate of Science Degree Program for Speech-Language Pathology Assistants" (Mark Stimley); (5) "Module Preparation" (Georgia Hambrecht); (6) "SLPA On-Campus Clinical Practicum and Lab Experience" (Amanda Solesky and Roberta Wilson); (7) "Advertising and Recruiting Processes" (Karen Meeks); (8) "Advertisement in the SLPA Program" (Amanda Solesky); (9) "Transition of the SLPA into the SLP Caseload" (Amanda Solesky and Dawnda Nichols); (10) "Student Perspectives on the SLPA Program" (Kathryn D. Bayer and others); and (11) "On the Horizon" (Georgia Hambrecht and Mark Stimley). (Some chapters contain references.) (DB)
AnmerkungenIndiana State University, Curriculum Research and Development Center, School of Education, Terre Haute, IN 47809 ($4.50, for orders of 20 or more $4 each). Tel: 812-237-2807; Fax: 812-237-8137; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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