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Autor/inn/enMeth, Marcia; Chalmers, Rebecca
InstitutionJohnson, Bassin, and Shaw, Inc., Silver Spring, MD.
TitelPulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse January-June 2002 Reporting Period. Special Topic: A Look at Local Drug Markets.
[Report No.: NCJ-197242
Quelle(2002), (89 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Adults; Cocaine; Counseling; Drug Addiction; Drug Education; Heroin; Illegal Drug Use; Longitudinal Studies; Marijuana; Prevention; Public Health; Sociocultural Patterns; Substance Abuse; Trend Analysis
AbstractThe report aims to describe chronic drug users, emerging drugs, new routes of administration, varying use patterns, changing demand for treatment, drug-related criminal activity, drug markets, and shifts in supply and distribution patterns. Pulse Check regularly addresses four drugs of serious concern: heroin, crack cocaine/powder cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine. Additionally, due to their spread across the country, it continues to monitor the problems of "ecstasy," the diversion and abuse of OxyContin, and other drugs of concern. This report is based on discussions with 78 epidemiologists, ethnographers, law enforcement officials, and methadone and non-methadone treatment providers from 20 Pulse Check sites. Telephone discussions with these individuals, conducted between late June and early August 2002, reveal that overall, when comparing spring 2002 with the previous fall period, the majority of "Pulse Check" sources believe their communities' drug abuse problem to be very serious but stable, although a substantial percentage believe the situation to be somewhat worse. Five appendixes present the research methodology, population demographics, national level data sources, Pulse Check sources, and discussion areas by source type. (GCP)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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