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Autor/inByrum, John D., Jr.
TitelChallenges of Providing Bibliographic Access to Remote Electronic Resources in National Bibliographies: Problems and Solutions--An Overview.
Quelle(2002), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Information; Bibliographic Databases; Bibliographic Records; Bibliographies; Cataloging; Cooperative Programs; Information Industry; Information Services; Information Sources; International Cooperation; Metadata; National Programs; Online Systems
AbstractThe proliferation of online resources has resulted in creating and accentuating challenges for national bibliographic agencies throughout the world. Through strategic planning and innovative approaches, providers of national bibliographies are seeking to realize bibliographic control of remote electronic material. For success, they will need to achieve a variety of goals, including: pursuing cooperative database building, re-purposing bibliographic information, and adapting selection criteria and levels of cataloguing to the special features of the digital world to achieve effective coverage of these resources; developing more automated tools for creating and maintaining bibliographic information and metadata; fostering increased research and development to improve cataloguing tools; expanding educational and training opportunities to prepare cataloguers and other library staff to better understand and service electronic resources; and, establishing a wide array of collaborative ventures with partners from throughout the information industry to gain needed resources to make it possible to meet the challenges of electronic resources. (Contains 14 references.) (Author)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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