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Autor/inVillalba, Noel C.
InstitutionAsian South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education.; Asian Migrant Centre (Hong Kong).
TitelClearing a Hurried Path: Study on Education Programs for Migrant Workers in Six Asian Countries.
Quelle(2001), (290 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; Educational Objectives; Educational Practices; Empowerment; Foreign Countries; Immigrants; Migrant Adult Education; Migrant Workers; National Surveys; Nongovernmental Organizations; Nonschool Educational Programs; Politics of Education; Second Language Instruction; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Japan; Philippines; South Korea
AbstractAgainst the backdrop of the Asian economic crisis, this study examined the range of education programs for migrant workers in six Asian countries. Surveys were returned from 145 migrant worker support organizations in three host countries--Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan--and three sending countries--the Philippines, Indonesia, and India. The survey focused on education undertaken by nongovernmental organizations, migrant workers' organizations, and government organizations to empower migrant workers, who are among the most visible international victims of the Asian economic crisis. The empowerment of migrant workers occurs on three levels. At the personal level, education empowers migrant workers by making them realize they are not slaves and deserve to be treated as human beings. At the relational level, migrant workers are empowered to deal with others as co-equals through education programs that enable them to communicate in their employers' language. The third is the collective level. Because migration is not an individual issue but a social and global issue, education empowers migrants to organize to address their collective problems by working for comprehensive changes in the legal and social structures of society. Chapters on each country present findings on the range of programs for migrants and their goals, content, strategies, and methods of implementation. Case studies are presented as a means of identifying best practices. An appendix presents 10 tables analyzing curricula in areas such as counseling, language instruction, skills training, and organizing. (Contains 37 references.) (TD)
AnmerkungenAsian Migrant Centre, 9/F, Lee Kong Commercial Building, 115, Woo Sung Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong ($10). E-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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