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Autor/inn/enKogan, Deborah; Koller, Vinz; Kozumplik, Richalene; Lawrence, Mary Ann
InstitutionSocial Policy Research Associates, Menlo Park, CA.
TitelPartnering for Quality under the Workforce Investment Act: A Tool Kit for One-Stop System Building. Module 1: Reviewing System-Building Progress and Developing a Blueprint for WIA Transition. Trainer Manual with Participant Workbook.
Quelle(1999), (110 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Agency Cooperation; Behavioral Objectives; Career Centers; Classroom Techniques; Communication (Thought Transfer); Compliance (Legal); Cooperative Planning; Coordination; Decision Making; Delivery Systems; Educational Legislation; Employment Services; Federal Legislation; Guidelines; Labor Force Development; Learning Activities; Learning Modules; Lesson Plans; Linking Agents; Networks; Partnerships in Education; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Program Implementation; School Business Relationship; Strategic Planning; Systems Approach; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods; Teamwork; Transitional Programs; Workbooks; Worksheets
AbstractThis document is part of a five-module training package to help employment and training service providers comply with the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 and develop a one-stop training and employment services system. It consists of the participant workbook, trainer manual, and activity worksheets for a module on reviewing system-building progress and developing a blueprint for WIA transition. The training manual presents a detailed lesson plan that includes step-by-step instructions for using the following tools and techniques to deliver the module: presenting overhead slides; having participants complete exercises; writing information on flip charts; using small group discussions; and using full group discussion. The workbook activities and worksheets are designed to achieve the following objectives: (1) help local teams review their progress to date in developing one-stop systems; (2) help teams set goals and priorities for further system development during the training period; (3) review the WIA's requirements for one-stop systems; and (4) facilitate the launch or enhancement of a WIA transition team. The following are among specific topics covered: (1) basic features of local one-stop systems under the WIA; (2) the concept of tiered service delivery; (3) roles of specific local entities in one-stop systems; and (4) moving from networking to collaboration. (MN)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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