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Sonst. PersonenBrown, Gerald R. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionMinistry of Education (Sri Lanka).
TitelSri Lanka-Canada School Library & Information Services Program Components: A School Library Study Tour (Lower Fraser Valley Mainland, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 22-October 3, 2001). Report.
Quelle(2001), (81 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Change; Educational Development; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Information Services; Library Services; School Libraries; Systems Approach; Canada; Sri Lanka
AbstractThe Government of Sri Lanka entered in an agreement with IDA (International Development Association) (World Bank) to undertake the implementation of a set of reforms recommended by a number of study panels appointed for this purpose. These recommendations were classified under eight components and the General Education Project II (GEP II) was established to coordinate the implementation of the activities listed under each component by the relevant implementing agencies. All these components are interrelated and have a system approach. The School Libraries is one of the components and the School Library Development Unit was established in the Ministry of Education with the responsibility of implementing the activities under the component. Objectives were to support and stimulate an activity-based curriculum and to encourage the reading habit in schools and communities by expanding, professionalizing, and strengthening the management of the school library sector. It became necessary that the eight Provincial Library Coordinators and the eight Supervisors of the Book Based Language Enrichment Program be given an international experience to enhance their knowledge and skills. GEP II with the concurrence of the World Bank designed a study tour in Canada, where much work has been done in the school library sector in general and in the teacher-librarian scheme in particular, for 12 officers involved in the program. This document presents the results from that study tour. Sections include: Introduction; Objectives; Purpose of the Study Tour; List of Participants; Defining the Concepts (What is a school library? What is a school library and information services (SLIS) program?); School Library Staffing; Facilities and Collections; SLIS Career Positions and the Related Expectations; Observations (reported by each site visit in chronological order); and Summary. Appendixes include: project proposal; sites visited; components of a school library and information services program; study guides; a document on the role of district resource centers (Vancouver Island and Southern Interior District Resource Center Coordinators, 1995); bibliography of documents collection for sharing with professional colleagues; and participant profiles. (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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