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Autor/inNielsen, Soren P.
InstitutionEuropean Training Foundation, Turin (Italy).
TitelReshaping the Focus of Vocational Teacher and Trainer Training. A Cross Country Review of Needs, Achievements and Obstacles in Central and Eastern Europe. Report.
Quelle(1999), (89 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComparative Analysis; Cross Cultural Training; Developed Nations; Developing Nations; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Educational Needs; Educational Trends; Foreign Countries; National Surveys; Postsecondary Education; Teacher Education; Trainers; Vocational Education Teachers; Albania; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Estonia; Europe; Hungary; Latvia; Lithuania; Macedonia; Poland; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia
AbstractThis document reports the results of a comparative analysis of the current situation and future needs of teacher and trainer training in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Following an introductory section explaining the methodology of the study, the second section focuses on features common to teacher and trainer training in all Central and Eastern European countries and provides examples of these features in various countries. The third section examines the needs and obstacles in vocational teacher and trainer training in Central and Eastern European countries, such as the quest for quality and relevance, decentralization of control of the vocational education and training system, the change from teaching to learning, teacher teams, theory and practice, and the stress of coping with the requirements of lifelong learning. The fourth section provides recommendations for the renewal of teacher and trainer training in these countries. Finally, an appendix, which makes up more than half the document, provides reviews of the vocational education and training system in the following 12 countries: (1) Albania, (2) Bulgaria, (3) the Czech Republic, (4) Estonia, (5) Hungary, (6) Latvia, (7) Lithuania, (8) Macedonia, (9) Poland, (10) Romania, (11) the Slovak Republic, and (12) Slovenia. (KC)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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