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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenFleming, Ted (Hrsg.); Collins, Thomas (Hrsg.); Coolahan, John (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNational Univ. of Ireland, Maynooth.
TitelHigher Education: The Challenge of Lifelong Learning. Proceedings of a Conference at the Centre for Educational Policy Studies, National University of Ireland (Maynooth, Ireland, May 13, 1999).
Quelle(1999), (75 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Access to Education; Adult Learning; Adult Students; Continuing Education; Education Work Relationship; Educational Cooperation; Educational Legislation; Educational Needs; Educational Objectives; Educational Policy; Educational Trends; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; International Cooperation; Lifelong Learning; Needs Assessment; Nontraditional Students; Policy Formation; Reentry Students; Student Participation; Trend Analysis; Ireland; United Kingdom
AbstractThis document contains eight papers from a conference on higher education and the challenge of lifelong learning. "Lifelong Learning" (Garret Fitzgerald) explores issues related to ensuring that all adults have access to lifelong learning. "Lifelong Learning and Higher Education: The International Context" (Alan Wagner) examines how common economic and social developments in Organization for Economic Development countries are driving the main lines of the education policy debate. "Higher Education--The Challenge of Lifelong Learning: Questions and Issues for Policy" (Don Thornhill) explains the necessity of lifelong learning for all. "Participation of Mature Students in Higher Education in Ireland" (Patrick Clancy) discusses the effects of past and existing policies on participation in lifelong learning. "The Adult Learner--Developments and Research in the United Kingdom: Contextualising Access in the UK." (Barbara Merrill) reviews the findings of research on participation in lifelong learning and ways of widening access. "Higher Education and Lifelong Learning: The Experience of Adults at College" (Ted Fleming, Mark Murphy) summarizes the findings of research on factors critical to mature students' success in higher education. "Implications of the Qualifications (Education and Training) Bill 1999" (Dick Langford) considers the implications of pending legislation for lifelong learning in Ireland. Presented next are selected working group recommendations. The concluding paper, "Closure" (John Coolahan), summarizes the key issues raised at the conference. (Each paper contains tables and references.) (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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