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Autor/inManrique, Cecilia G.
TitelDistance Education and Political Science Revisited.
Quelle(1998), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAsian Studies; Distance Education; Higher Education; Instructional Innovation; Intercollegiate Cooperation; Political Science; Student Needs; Technology Integration
AbstractThis paper delineates common concerns about less popular, lower-enrollment distance education courses that are deemed important for students to be able to function effectively in an increasingly global community. Educational institutions encourage the broadening of students' experiences by offering them options in international courses. However, limited budgets and expertise limit various courses from being offered through distance education. Thus, a group of faculty members from the University of Wisconsin system (River Falls, Stevens Point, Eau Claire, and La Crosse) got together in August 1996 to plan for a collaborative effort at putting together an Asian studies minor using distance education strategies and tools. A previous paper laid the groundwork and foundation for the use of distance education for an introductory course in Asia. Various concepts of distance education were examined, such as, what is meant by distance education, and what tools are part of the strategy of delivering distance education. The previous paper laid the theoretical foundations surrounding the project and provided the reader with the project's status which was suspended because of the resignation of the project director and lack of students. This paper, which revisits the issue of distance education in a political science course, reiterates some of the background information and theoretical foundations found in the previous paper and focuses on the project's status with special emphasis upon cost and commitment. (Contains 37 references.) (Author/BT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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