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Sonst. PersonenNixon, Carol (Mitarb.) ; Dengler, M. Heide (Mitarb.) ; McHenry, Mare L. (Mitarb.)
TitelInternet Librarian '98: Proceedings of the Internet Librarian Conference (2nd, Monterey, California, November 1-5, 1998).
Quelle(1998), (253 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Access to Information; Archives; Computer Assisted Instruction; Databases; Electronic Libraries; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Hypermedia; Information Retrieval; Information Technology; Library Automation; Library Education; Library Funding; Library Services; Local Area Networks; Online Systems; Reference Services; World Wide Web
AbstractThis proceedings contains 56 papers, presentation summaries, and/or slide presentations pertaining to the Internet, World Wide Web, intranets, and library systems. Topics include: Web databases in medium sized libraries; Dow Jones Intranet Toolkit; the future of online; Web searching and Internet basics; digital archiving; evolution of the online research environment; decisions on Web expenditures; global reach-local touch; virtual reference collections; tools for transition from paper to electronic resources; CONNEX; Dublin Core; Florida Distance Learning Reference and Referral Center; the virtual environment; internal funding models for intranet purchases; designing an ongoing instruction program on Web search engines; issues in digital content delivery to end users; issues for moving LAN-based resources to the Web; converting a commercial business daily database to the Web; managing electronic journals; Web design and access issues; success factors in knowledge management; consortial review and purchase of networked resources; UCC2B Uniform Commercial Code; incorporating new media into library courses; XML; digital library copyright and licensing issues; information professionals as partners in a corporate setting; delivering excellent customer service via the Web; current awareness services on the Internet; online communities and virtual worlds; usability testing the Web site; planning/implementing a Web site; the intranet enabled ILS (integrated library systems); transition in managing the Web; reference; UnCover usage statistics; Information Institute of Syracuse; electronic collections; digitizing collections; tele-cybernetics; Internet librarians in action; helpful Web sites on filtering public library computers; Intranets for knowledge management; online customer care in a research environment; maximizing corporate investment in the Internet; why digital will fail and what we can do about it; Internet training course for school librarians; legalities and the realities of Web/Net use; balancing electronic, print, and human sources; integrating the Internet into the OPAC (online public access catalog); year 2000; acquiring and managing intranet content; NewMedia and the new librarian; and bridging the generation gap in cyberspace. (DLS)
AnmerkungenInformation Today, Inc., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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