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InstitutionSpastics Society, Tamil Nadu (India).
TitelCBR Models and Training Viable for India. Proceedings of the Workshop (Chennai, India, March 3-5, 1997).
Quelle(1997), (77 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adults; Birth Weight; Children; Community Programs; Disabilities; Early Intervention; Employment; Empowerment; Foreign Countries; Models; Needs Assessment; Policy Formation; Prevention; Professional Development; Program Development; Rehabilitation Programs; Self Help Programs; Surveys; Training; Training Methods; India
AbstractThis report describes the proceedings of a three-day workshop on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) models and training in India. The workshop included 72 professionals from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Sessions and papers from the workshop are summarized and address the following topics: (1) a training module for the multipurpose rehabilitation worker; (2) the Rehabilitation Council of India's approach toward CBR; (3) the role of the United Nations Children's Education Fund; (4) whether CBR models are viable for India; (5) the outcome of a needs assessment survey of 1,683 individuals with disabilities; (6) prevention of low birth weight; (7) empowerment of individuals with mental retardation; (8) factors for success in rehabilitation; (9) the importance of worker's attitudes in CBR; (10) curriculum for personnel training in CBR; (11) training and evaluation in CBR; (12) curriculum for training for working with specific disabilities; (13) employing people with disabilities; (14) proposed policies and development of a CBR program for persons with disabilities; (15) CBR in practice in India; (16) the CBR linkage model of early intervention; (17) a CBR fact sheet; and (18) self help groups for adults with disability in CBR programs. (CR)
AnmerkungenThe Spastics Society of Tamil Nadu (SPASTN), Opp. T.T.T.I., Taramani Road, Chennai - 600 113. India; telephone: 2354651; fax: 2350047; e-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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