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Autor/inn/enStern, Judy E.; Elliott, Deni
InstitutionDartmouth Coll., Hanover, NH.
TitelCurriculum and Faculty Development for the Teaching of Academic Research Ethics.
Quelle(1995), (78 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Case Studies; College Faculty; Course Objectives; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Evaluation; Ethical Instruction; Ethics; Evaluation Methods; Faculty Development; Formative Evaluation; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; Moral Values; Philosophy; Sciences; Scientific Research; Teaching Methods; Universities
AbstractThis report summarizes a three-year project to design a graduate level course in ethics and scientific research at Dartmouth College (New Hampshire). The goals of the project were: (1) to train faculty to teach a course in research ethics, (2) to pilot-teach a graduate course in ethics and scientific research, and (3) to develop teaching materials for use in ethics and science courses. An underlying assumption was that a course in research ethics required both philosophers and scientists; therefore, faculty from both disciplines worked closely together in developing course materials. Faculty training included: a seminar, in which participants learned about various cases and topics in research ethics and tested various teaching styles; a study group, which helped participants gain an understanding of the theoretical bases for analyses of ethics cases; and meetings during which faculty worked on developing course goals, materials, and evaluation materials. Three publications resulting from the project are appended: (1) "Developing a Course on the Ethics of Scientific Research: A Guidebook for Faculty," which includes course goals and plans and a course reading list, (2) a table of contents for "A Coursebook for Research Ethics," and (3) "Ethical Issues in Scientific Research: Evaluation of Faculty Development" (Ronald M. Green). (CH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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