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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionAlaska State Dept. of Community and Regional Affairs, Juneau.
TitelAlaska Head Start. A Federal, State, and Community Program. Annual Report for 1995.
Quelle(1997), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnnual Reports; Integrated Services; Intervention; Low Income; Objectives; Preschool Children; Preschool Education; Program Effectiveness; State Programs; Alaska
AbstractThis annual report details the accomplishments of the Alaska Head Start Program for fiscal year 1995. It begins with a description of the principal components of the Alaska Head Start Program, focusing on economic development; community development; parent and family involvement; education, training, and career development; and comprehensive health services. The report provides brief descriptions of statewide Head Start support projects and initiatives, the Head Start State Collaboration Grant activities, the Health Start Dental Project, Family Wellness Project, Alaska Head Start Technical Support Assistance Center, and Project Pride. Head Start Program goals are outlined and a letter from a Head Start parent regarding partnerships with parents is presented. Presented in graphic or tabular format is information on the characteristics of children and families served by Alaska Head Start, program costs, and program locations. The report concludes with an executive proclamation by the Alaskan governor declaring October 11, 1995 as Alaska Head Start Day. (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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