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Autor/inSireci, Stephen G.
TitelTechnical Issues in Linking Assessments across Languages.
Quelle(1996), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAchievement Tests; Bilingual Education; Comparative Analysis; Educational Assessment; Equated Scores; Item Response Theory; Language Tests; Scaling; Scoring; Second Language Learning; Test Construction; Testing Programs
AbstractTest developers continue to struggle with the technical and logistical problems inherent in assessing achievement across different languages. Many testing programs offer separate language versions of a test to evaluate the achievement of examinees in different language groups. However, comparison of individuals who took different language versions of a test are not valid unless the score scales for the different versions are linked or equated. This paper discusses the psychometric problems involved in cross-lingual assessment, reviews linking models that have been proposed to enhance score comparability, and provides suggestions for developing and evaluating a model for linking different language versions of a test. Attempts to link different language versions of a test onto a common scale are classified into three general research design categories: (1) separate monolingual group designs, usually linked through item response theory; (2) bilingual group designs; and (3) matched monolingual group designs. (Contains 4 figures and 47 references.) (Author/SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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