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Autor/inn/enDrummond, Robert J.; Drummond, Heather A.
TitelNortheast Florida College Reach Out Program: 1995 Evaluation Report.
Quelle(1995), (75 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Persistence; Career Choice; College School Cooperation; Educationally Disadvantaged; Grade 7; Grade 8; Higher Education; Junior High School Students; Junior High Schools; Locus of Control; Lower Class Students; Minority Group Children; Student Attitudes; Student Educational Objectives; Student Motivation; Student Surveys; Study Skills
AbstractThe College Reach Out Program is an educational program funded by the Florida Legislature designed to motivate and promote students in grades K-12 to complete high school and enroll in some type of postsecondary educational institution. The program is an attempt to help racial/ethnic minorities, low income students, and educationally disadvantaged students to complete their education and be prepared for the demands of the workplace. The program consisted of a series of orientations which included student and parent workshops, study skills information, academic tutoring and role model sessions. A time series design was utilized to collect evaluation data from the students and staff. The major instruments used were the: (1) School Attitude Measure (SAM); (2) Self Directed Search; and (30 Culture Free Self-Esteem Inventory (CFSEI). The responses to the items on SAM and CFSEI indicated that most of the 11- to 13-year-old students (N=41) showed acceptance of the value of education and the need to do well in school. In general, they felt that they did have the support and encouragement of their teachers, parents, College Reach Out Program Staff, and that they can achieve. Two appendices are included with the verbatim responses of students and staff to their questionnaires. (SR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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