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Autor/inVavrek, Bernard
TitelRural and Small Libraries: Providers for Lifelong Learning.
Quelle(1995), (34 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Learning; Futures (of Society); Library Planning; Library Role; Library Services; Lifelong Learning; Public Libraries; Rural Areas; Users (Information)
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to consider the nature of small and rural public libraries in the United States in the light of the existing opportunities that they provide for adult lifelong learning, and to ponder the future of collaborative services. The role of the public library is explored in relation to lifelong learning, and rural libraries are defined and discussed. The following planning considerations are presented: (1) library financing; (2) the conservative nature of rural and small towns; (3) a lack of academically trained staff in America's libraries; (4) trustee development; (5) the fact that the typical rural public library has probably not conducted any form of community or user survey; (6) not withstanding the age of electronic access to information through a variety of networks, the typical rural library is perceived by its public as primarily a place of books; (7) females outnumber male library users; (8) the implications of technology for those responsible for future planning; and (9) providing library and information services to Native Americans. An eight-item research agenda, listed in order of importance, for Federal action is suggested. (Contains 46 references.) (MAS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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