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Autor/inSalach, Simcha
InstitutionBernard Van Leer Foundation, The Hague (Netherlands).
TitelIn First Person Plural: Growing Up with a Disadvantaged Community.
Quelle(1993), (116 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Caregivers; Community Action; Community Development; Day Care Centers; Disadvantaged Environment; Foreign Countries; Home Visits; Paraprofessional Personnel; Parent Education; Personal Narratives; Preschool Education; Program Administration; Program Descriptions; Program Effectiveness; Israel
AbstractFrom the perspective of the project leader, this book traces the growth and development of the Early Childhood and Family Education Project in Morasha, Israel, during the 8 years of its existence (1982-1990). Chapter 1 describes Morasha, a poor, immigrant neighborhood in Ramat HaSharon, and the author's childhood there. Chapter 2 describes the efforts of the Morasha Council to include the community in the state of Israel's Project Renewal. Chapter 3 reviews Project Renewal activities and efforts to obtain funding from the Bernard van Leer Foundation to begin the Early Childhood and Family Education Project, which sought to develop programs to train paraprofessional women from the community, implementing a home visiting program for mothers and preschoolers, and develop a program of family day care centers for toddlers and preschool children. Chapter 4 describes the work involved in building the project's infrastructure. In chapter 5, basic project approaches, principles, and objectives are described, while in chapter 6, the work involved in translating these theories into community work is detailed. Chapters 7 and 8 focus on the project's professional staff, paraprofessional counselors, and paraprofessional caregivers. In chapter 9, efforts to disseminate the project to additional communities in the region are related. Chapter 10 describes the project's structural and organizational characteristics and relationships with other agencies. Chapter 11 explains the project's evaluation component, and chapter 12 provides a summary of the project as a personal and collective journey. Additional information about the project is appended. (AC)
AnmerkungenBernard van Leer Foundation, P.O. Box 82334, 2508 EH The Hague, Netherlands.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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