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Autor/inHill, Paul T.
InstitutionRand Corp., Santa Monica, CA. Inst. on Education and Training.
TitelUrban Education. Reprints.
Reprint.; [Report No.: RAND-RP-178
Quelle(1993), p. (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Disadvantaged Youth; Economically Disadvantaged; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; Governance; Inner City; Minority Groups; Problems; Public Schools; Urban Education; Urban Problems; Urban Youth
AbstractThis document addresses the difficulties of urban education, particularly relating to inner cities that contain immigrant and minority students, and argues that schools contribute to the problems of today's urban youth and that schools must do a better job of educating students. It recognizes that schools are burdened by the urban environment but contends that the public cannot wait to change schools until other problems are solved. It grants that someone must address problems, such as poor student health and family instability, but argues that educators have enough to worry about in their own backyards. Better schools will not solve all the problems of American cities, but they are definitely part of the solution. Further, the document argues that: (1) bad public schools are making their own distinct contributions to the problems of cities, (2) there is a substantial consensus among educators and parents about how schools can be made to work for disadvantaged and minority students in the big cities, (3) better inner-city schools are unlikely given today's methods of financing and governance, and (4) better schools are possible in the inner city but only if efforts are made to make a major change in what is meant by a public school. (Contains 19 references.) (GLR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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