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Autor/inn/enSpicker, Howard; und weitere
TitelRural Gifted Education in a Multicultural Society.
Quelle(1993), (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAmerican Indian Education; American Indians; Black Education; Blacks; Consortia; Cultural Differences; Economically Disadvantaged; Elementary Secondary Education; Gifted; Identification; Mexican American Education; Mexican Americans; Rural Education; Special Education; Student Characteristics; Whites
AbstractEconomically disadvantaged and ethnically diverse children are underrepresented in programs for the academically gifted. SPRING (Special Populations Rural Information Network for the Gifted) is a consortium of Indiana University, New Mexico State University, and Converse College (South Carolina) whose major concern is the identification and programming needed for culturally diverse gifted students in rural schools. SPRING I developed identification methods and instructional materials for Appalachian gifted children. This paper focuses on plans for SPRING II, which will expand the consortium's work to three additional subpopulations of gifted rural youth: African-Americans at three South Carolina schools, Hispanics (primarily Mexican-Americans) at a New Mexico school, and Mescalero Apaches at a New Mexico public school. Parent and peer information; child products; teacher observations; and test data on intelligence, achievement, and creativity will be analyzed for similarities and differences among populations and for the strengths and weaknesses of each population in various skill and knowledge areas. As in SPRING I, a curriculum will be planned for each population that is congruent with that group's strengths. Tables describe the assessment instruments and outline the characteristics of White Appalachian and Black gifted children in disadvantaged rural areas versus those of gifted children in advantaged middle-class areas. Special concerns in the identification of Mexican-American and tribal Native American students are also discussed. (SV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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