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Autor/inn/enPena, Sally J.; Klug, Beverly J.
TitelEmergent Multiculturalism: A Rural Model.
Quelle(1992), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAmerican Indians; Blacks; Cultural Pluralism; Elementary Secondary Education; Ethnic Distribution; Higher Education; Hispanic Americans; Holistic Approach; Minority Group Children; Minority Groups; Models; Multicultural Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Rural Population; Teacher Educators
AbstractCreating a relevant integrated multicultural education program in a sparsely populated, rural, mountainous state (Idaho) whose minority residents constitute barely 5 percent of the population poses unique challenges not present in more populated urban areas. The population of Idaho is 94.5 percent White, 5.3 percent Hispanic, 1.4 percent American Indian, and 0.3 percent Black. Minority populations experience a significantly lower standard of living and are less educated than their White counterparts. This document describes the efforts of the College of Education faculty at the University of Idaho to ensure that preservice teachers develop the needed skills, knowledge and dispositions to face the challenges of working with children from diverse populations. A multicultural committee was formed and took the position that the College of Education would work simultaneously to: (1) recruit and retain diverse faculty and students, and (2) empower children from diverse groups through education. The paper also traces the emergence of a holistic model that focuses and responds to the dynamic tension created as faculty, students, and the community together strive to come to fuller understanding of and commitment to the issues involved. (Contains 18 references.) (LL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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