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Autor/inGordon, Daryl
InstitutionLSH Women's Program, Philadelphia, PA.
TitelLearning for Earning: A Basic Skills and Employability Training Manual for Adult Students.
Quelle(1990), (129 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Adult Education; Basic Skills; Career Exploration; Communication Skills; Employed Women; Employment Potential; Equal Opportunities (Jobs); Goal Orientation; Instructional Materials; Job Search Methods; Job Skills; Labor Market; Occupational Aspiration; Problem Solving; Teaching Guides; Vocational Interests; Womens Education; Work Experience
AbstractThis manual is designed to provide materials to improve the employment and academic skills of adults. Five chapters are included. Each chapter begins with problem-solving exercises that encourage students to reflect on the topic and recall their past experiences. These exercises provide a framework for the students to understand the readings that follow. The readings develop the topic initiated in the opening exercise and allow the student to reflect on the topic from a variety of perspectives. Chapter 1 begins by providing historical vignettes focused on women workers in the United States from 1900 to 1950. Chapter 2 involves an exploration of students' employment interests and goals. Chapter 3 acquaints the student with the job market and encourages exploration of a chosen job field. Chapter 4 provides information about obtaining employment or entering a training program. The last chapter about on-the-job experiences encourages students to communicate effectively. Many exercises are intended for use in small groups in which participants can exchange information and experiences. Role playing, in which participants act out the parts of both employer and employee, is used throughout to allow students to see both sides of the issues and evaluate their response to a given situation. End notes for each chapter are appended. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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