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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionNew York State Education Dept., Albany. Office of Excellence and Access.
TitelCampus Climate and the Search for Community within Diversity. Proceedings of the Conference (Albany, New York, April 22, 1991).
Quelle(1991), (66 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Freedom; Campuses; College Students; Colleges; Cultural Differences; Diversity (Student); Educational Environment; Freedom of Speech; Higher Education; Legal Problems; Racial Differences; Religious Conflict; Student Subcultures; Universities
AbstractThis publication summarizes proceedings of a working group session convened to discuss ways to encourage efforts of colleges and universities to increase the sense of community on their campuses. It is noted that the sense of community has been diluted over the years due to the great diversity of students, both racial and cultural, that now participate in postsecondary education. The participants consist of over 100 faculty and administrators from 80 public and independent postsecondary institutions in New York State as well as members of the staff of the New York State Education Department. The following sessions are summarized: (1) "Confronting Racial, Sexual, Religious, and Ethnic Conflict on Campus"; (2) "Legal Issues: Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom"; (3) "Curriculum of Inclusion"; and (4) "Enhancing Community on Campus". Appendices include the conference agenda, the conference evaluation forms, the conference evaluation summary, 68 suggested readings on campus climate, and a list of conference registrants. (GLR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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