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Autor/inn/enDavis, William E.; McCaul, Edward J.
InstitutionMaine Univ., Orono. Coll. of Education.
TitelAt-Risk Children and Youth: A Crisis in Our Schools and Society.
Quelle(1990), (114 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDisadvantaged Youth; Educational Needs; Educationally Disadvantaged; Elementary Secondary Education; High Risk Students; Literature Reviews; Regular and Special Education Relationship; Research Needs; Social Problems; Socioeconomic Influences; Special Needs Students; Student Needs
AbstractThis monograph presents a synthesis of current concerns and information relative to at-risk children. The report summarizes and discusses major issues concerning contemporary definitions of "at risk," the history of concern over at-risk children, general factors and conditions involved in placing children at risk, and contemporary issues regarding this population. The report is divided into 12 sections. Sections I through III contain a preface, an executive summary, and an introduction. Section IV presents at-risk definitions. Section V provides a historical perspective. Section VI discusses forces and factors that place students at risk. Section VII examines programming for at-risk students. Section VIII explores the establishment of student at-risk programs at the local school level. Section IX discusses and examines implications of the following: (1) impact of changing demographics; (2) attitudes toward diversity; (3) value conflicts between student and school; (4) personnel preparation; (5) regular education-special education relationship; (6) future directions for research; (7) interface between school reform efforts and at-risk students; and (8) excellence versus equity. Section X offers new perspectives on the education of at-risk children and youth. Section XI contains 76 references and Section XII lists additional sources of information. (AF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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