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Autor/inMikulecky, Larry
TitelSecond Chance Basic Skills Education. Background Paper No. 5.
Quelle(1989), (44 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Basic Skills; Corporate Education; Educational Needs; Literacy Education; On the Job Training; Outcomes of Education; Program Effectiveness; Program Improvement; Skill Development; Teaching Methods; Workplace Literacy
AbstractA general increase in the demand for workplace basic skills mirrors the general increase in societal basic skills demands. As a result, many adults are participating in second-chance basic skills education. Second-chance basic skills programs are offered by a wide variety of providers, but populations actually served by programs rarely amount to more than a tiny fraction of estimated target populations. For the most part, basic skills instruction in the United States is provided by part-time teachers and volunteers. Levels of training and certification among instructors are often low. Second-chance basic skills programs have not done very well at either attracting or retaining a significant number of learners. High quality instruction helps a good deal, but a significant amount of time is needed for even the best programs to have an impact; and no program reports holding average learners as long as even 100 hours per year. Most of the funding for programs is provided by the states. During the past few years, there have been a number of promising new developments related to second-chance basic skills education. Among them are an increase in the number and sophistication of workplace basic skills programs and the increasing potential of technology to help overcome some of the problems that have plagued basic skills education. Multistrand basic skills programs are one of the possible program alternatives. Such an approach offers varying solutions to varying problems. Policy options should be considered for increasing and improving adult basic skills programs. (62 references) (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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