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Autor/inCastro, Claudio de Moura
InstitutionInternational Labour Office, Geneva (Switzerland).
TitelMultinationals in China: Transfer of Technology, Management and Training. Training Discussion Paper No. 40.
Quelle(1989), (51 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterDeveloped Nations; Economic Development; Foreign Countries; Industrial Structure; International Cooperation; International Studies; International Trade; Technology Transfer; China
AbstractThis document reports on visits to a dozen enterprises in China jointly owned by the Chinese and foreign countries and to three other enterprises that are exclusively owned by the Chinese or by foreign interests. The document begins with sections called "The Opening Up of the Economy to the Outside World,""Chinese Enterprises,""The Commodity Economy,""Labour Market Developments,""Labour Contracts,""Pay Scales in China," and "Visiting Successful Enterprises in China." The next 15 sections, each of which describes a visit to one of the enterprises, are entitled "Producing Electric Motors the Chinese Way"; "Public Firms Catering to Private Vices: The Cigarette Factory"; "Car Business with Big Business"; "Making Automobiles the European Way"; "Speak English, Work Hard, and Make Money: Innkeeping Lessons from Singapore"; "Hong Kong Cooks to Teach Chinese Cuisine"; "Fixing Cars, Growing Mushrooms, Feeding People, and Operating a Duty-Free Shop: The Multiple Activities of a Zhuhai Enterprise"; "Foreign Investment to Repair Automobiles"; "Mass Producing Bicycles for the World"; "Coca-Cola Cans to the Chinese Market"; "Manufacturing Electronic Parts for Western Markets"; "British Banking via Hong Kong"; "Japanese Printers Made in China"; "Stripped Down Capitalism: The Assembly of Consumer Electronics"; and "German Toys Made by Chinese Peasants." The concluding section of the document is called "Lessons in Training, Management, and Technology." (CML)
AnmerkungenILO Publications, International Labour Office, CH-1211, Geneva 22, Switzerland.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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