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Sonst. PersonenHackett, Judith C. (Hrsg.); McLemore, Lisa Ann (Hrsg.)
InstitutionCouncil of State Governments, Lexington, KY.
TitelStates' Agenda for Rural Economic Development. Proceedings of the National Conference on States' Rural Economic Development (1st, Lexington, Kentucky, October 5-7, 1987).
Quelle(1988), (78 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Change Strategies; Economic Change; Economic Development; Government Role; Job Development; Labor Force Development; Rural Areas; Rural Development; Rural Economics; Rural Education; State Action; Technological Advancement
AbstractThe conference reported in this proceedings brought together states' rural development policymakers in an effort to identify the programs and research needed to establish successful state policies. Topics of papers presented at the conference and included in the proceedings covered: (1) telecommunications and computer technology as sources of rural jobs; (2) helping the American farmer make the transition to a more specialized farm economy; (3) the complexity of the rural economic scene and the need for comprehensive development policy; (4) the capability of state government to foster rural economic growth, especially through investment in human capital; (5) the goals of rural vocational education; (6) widely held beliefs versus research findings on the strengths and weaknesses of small rural schools; (7) information technologies as a source of rural development; (8) the commercialization of biotechnology and implications for farmers; (9) the role of the federal government in rural development; and (10) rural development initiatives of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Following comments and discussion, participants passed resolutions establishing a rural development research agenda. Agenda items involved state and local strategies for rural economic development, state leadership for rural job creation, education for the new rural jobs arena, and rural infrastructure needs in the information era. Appendices list participants and describe the 1987 National Agriculture and Rural Development Leadership Awards. Most papers contain references, tables, and figures. (SV)
AnmerkungenThe Council of State Governments, Iron Works Pike, P.O. Box 11910, Lexington, KY 40578 ($20.00; 30% discount for 5 or more).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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